Tuesday 9 August 2011


Sorry folks but I am going to go off on one

Riots, what, Who, Why.

What can the police do without the media running them into the ground. I had the horrible experience of trying to control riots in NI in the 70s its not easy no matter what you do its wrong unless you meet it full on with rubber bullets water cannon with dye and gas; in my situation in NI I said and still stand by it that there is no such thing as an innocent bystander.
The media are now saying its because they live in a deprived area absolute C----
I was brought up in east Manchester in the 50s we even had sweet rationing I didn’t form a gang of brain dead morons and raid the sweety shop. If I had I would have been severely dealt with by the police and the courts, and when they had finished with me my parents would have stated on me. I have just listened to a women on the radio saying she feels sorry for the rioters. As they are young people with no money, no jobs, bored, no good homes no hope, no proper schooling, What a load of rubbish! they are disrespectful, lawless, bone idle ignorant, morons. I have no solution because today’s society will not allow my remedy as it may interfere with their Human Rights. These people; though calling them people is an insult to the rest of us. These morons must live somewhere and with someone so what are the parents doing? Some solutions:
When caught and proven guilty gather all their dearest possessions and make the culprits set fire to them. Ban Hoodies why should anyone want to hide their identity. When found guilty remove all benefits.
If they really want to fight then ship them out to Afghanistan and let them stand shoulder to shoulder with real men and women who are fighting to give these morons a life to be proud of, a truly British way of life one that does not contain this mindless behaviour
In Afghanistan they can fight an enemy that has the capability of fighting back and returning fire with fire we would soon see just what cowardly Morons they are
I feel as if society is like a giant Jenga most of the bricks are missing and its tottering so maybe we should pick up those bricks and start to make it secure again
I have gone on enough no matter how much we rant and rave the only way forward is teach them respect, in the forces you have to earn respect How we do that today I have no idea. But if they want volunteers for the water cannon I will be there I was well trained
Or maybe we need more people to show an example of how good life can be if lived in a
decent manner. Forget the examples of racist, raping, cheating footballers. Drug taking, alcoholic pop and media stars get rid of them all from the so called media and bring back real decent examples of how to live life to the full   
ENOUGH you all know where I am coming from: as you are all very nice people

I am doing well, my broken bones are mending I have even managed to play my guitar in church. I have been doing a bit of gardening and some work on the boat nothing too heavy Today we are off to a funeral of one of our dear friends it really brings the last 4 months into perspective and reality. Noreen and I are in the middle of forming our next trip we are desperately searching for a safe route??? I now know hospitals along the canal I would really like to go out in April and return in September with out calling in on accident & emergency departments I am bored with them


Mike and Poppy said...

Hi Al.

Just give me one moment... “I blame all the namby pamby, politically correct, wishy washy, nouveau big society, tree huggers. Bring back the birch and conscription, I say hanging's too good for them”. Whew – that’s better...now where was I, oh yes.

Crime and punishment – should we be rehabilitating or deterring. When adults feel that they are able to defend the indefensible actions on the street, it says a lot for a section of our society. I have always thought that the responsibility for actions of people under the age of sixteen lie squarely on the parents. If you punish the parents as well as the juveniles. I think a new kind of order would begin to evolve. We both know, if as juveniles we got into trouble we answered to the police, the courts and we answered to our parents. All three carried a certain level of stigma and pain.

Well said.

matthew said...

well said dad, i've still the mental scars of being deal with by my parents, god knows i cant even fasten the belt on my pants without cringing.... only messing jokin apart though i would be scared to come home if i'd done anything like these idiots dead right down the parents

Maryanne said...

well!!! I’m really not sure how to react to any of the above. I think that the problem is far to complicated to blame one issue, although the one you have so eloquently highlighted certainly is a problem and does need addressing. I do hope that the people that looted and fought against the police receive fitting punishment for their crime.