Wednesday 26 May 2010


Hi All

Today we have walked miles Firstly we went for a walk around Warwick its a very ancient old town with lots of history and very very old buildings, naturally being an ancient town it is build on a hill and big hill but it was very very nice, Then this afternoon we walked into Leamington Spa I need 10 litres of engine oil I never new just how heavy that stuff is especially when you have to walk 2 miles back I am glad I took the day pack otherwise I would have had arms like a Gibbon.
So all in all I think we have done at least eight miles walking today.
Tomorrow after Noreen has departed I am going to service the boat I am doing it here because there is a boat yard opposite just in case I need anything else. Friday I am moving off here to the other side of Royal Leamington Spa its going to be very quiet out there so I may practice the guitar (I need to)
Whilst we were in Warwick we stumbled upon an old Hospital not the hospital in the medical sense but in the old use of the word meaning a home for disabled soldiers, very much like Chelsea Hospital though this place pre dates Chelsea by 200 years, its a fantastic place built in 1571 on top of an existing building then 150 years old. Today it is occupied still by old soldiers but now with wives, after our tour were talking as one does and we were actually offered a place
it all sounds very nice and something we will have to think about as we get towards old age.
Check the place out and see if you imagine me in that uniform??

Speak soon Big Al

The Lord Leycester Hospital Warwick

Haton Locks
Just before Warick it has a shop and a museum. The nicest Locks I have come accross

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