Thursday 26 December 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone

The Christmas period on Buggerlugs is no different than it was in our cottage, however there are a few minor elements that we have had to modify. Lets just take Christmas decorations,  over the years we have collected quite a few special decoration that seem to signify and display the joy of Christmas,  However we could not possibly use the amount of decoration we had amassed for a start we only have 8 inches space above my head leaving no room for overhead decorations,  or even a proper Christmas tree. Whilst in the past five years we have come up with the idea of making the crib and the angels the main focus, with all the cards strategically placed and a few of Noreen’s old favourite making there presence felt the boat has taken on a very festive seasonal look. We are still using our 18 inch blow up Australian Christmas tree that looks great in the cratch. I have attempted to light up the garden and boat exterior with a number of lights and even though a say so myself we have everything looking very festive. The other thing that we find difficult is entertaining on a grand scale well in numbers I am afraid big parties on a narrow boat are a nightmare. It is now down to a few at a time, I find this much better as you can concentrate on the things that matter The Guests.  We have a few over and Hopefully everyone has had a good time. 
The recent storms have rocked Noreen and I to sleep on a few nights,  Buggerlugs like all the other boats has been tossed about like a cork in a bottle But we are still very much afloat  but feeling very battered and at the present time we are getting ready for another onslaught. It may seem strange but I prefer to sit out the storm sitting snugly on the boat than in a house I feel quite save and secure, we are fully self sufficient in power and energy so what ever else happens we at least will not be flooded, loose any power or have the roof blown off. Which did happen twice in the cottage. 
As soon as we have Christmas and new year over Noreen and I are off to Prague for a few days Its to celebrate Noreen’s 65th birthday which is the 14th Jan, it’s a mile stone that needs celebrating and its one place we have always wanted to go we have been around the world about three times but never to eastern Europe even though we lived in Germany for three years Lets hope for good weather.
I hope that Christmas brought you everything that you wanted and that 2014 brings you Love, Joy, Friendship and calm waters 

All the best 

Big Al 

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