Thursday 11 April 2019

Here we go again


That's it the first cruise under our belt, I know it was only a three day quickie into Liverpool but its a good tester to make sure that everything is still working and it was everything was fine so all that winter maintenance paid off. There has been a fast improvement to the canal between Magul and Liverpool lots of trees cut back and hedges trimmed though around Bootle the rubbish is starting to mount up again its is no different from any other large town or city, people just use the waterway as a rubbish tip WHY.
Spring has arrived quite early all the wild fowl are ferrying chicks up and down all the trees are in bloom blossom is everywhere especially up my nose Oh I love the spring but it also gets up my nose literally.
The moorings in Stanley Dock are almost empty  there are only about six boats in I have no idea why the moorings are really good and free with free electric. the Dock area is full of things to do even for the kids Museums, Galleries, fun fair, Shopping, good pubs good food and night life All you need to enjoy it all for free is a BOAT.

sending the usual pics of our mooring and the views from the boat

God Bless

1 comment:

Mooring Ropes for Boats said...

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